Amazing Bottle Cap Art That Should Be in a Museum
What is it about bottle caps that makes them so intriguing? Maybe it's the fact that they are little souvenirs of our favorite drinks. Or it could be their compact size & ready availability make them easy to collect. It could also be that humans are just attracted to small round shiny things. No matter the reason, bottle cap art can be just as impressive as anything found in a museum. Even simple beer cap crafts, when skillfully executed, turn into unforgettable masterpieces. We think it's time you get your bottle cap collection out of those coffee cans and Crown Royal bags, and turn them into something beautiful. Take a look at this high-class bottle cap art, and get inspired!
Marilyn Monroe

There's no shortage of tributes to Marilyn Monroe hanging in homes across the country, but we were particularly impressed by this beer cap art. Created by artist Wesley Alan Harris, it takes cues from the popular series of portraits by Andy Warhol. Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they won't get you tipsy.
Beer Cap Fish

Drinkin' and fishin' is one of America's great pass times, and this beer cap fish brings them together like never before. The artist seems to have re-purposed beer cans as well, making this little swimmer, as they say in the art world, a mixed-media sculpture. I wonder if he likes Dogfishhead?
Mermaid Mosaic

I never get tired of seeing mermaids, and that's especially true with this 46" mosaic. Fashioned form carved wood, glass tiles, and, of course, bottle tops, it's as enchanting as a real mermaid would be. Well, almost. If you'd like to have a beauty like this in your home, check out this easy way to transform your bottle cap collection into a sea siren.
Abstract Beer Hop

How meta is this? Bottle cap wall art made in the shape of an actual beer hop. This would be perfect in an upscale microbrewery, or even in the hallway of a home brewer.
Giant Lid Covered Wall

Yes, yes, everything yes. I can't think of anything more magnificent than an entire wall covered floor-to-ceiling with metal caps. Well, the journey to drink all the beer that leads to having the collection was probably pretty incredible, too. As a bonus feature, you can lean against the wall for five minutes and give your skin a funny pattern.
Fancy Bracelet
When it comes to bottle cap jewelry, I've seen earrings and pins and buttons, but how about this cool bracelet? Made by forging all the bottle caps into cylindrical beads, this is definitely a conversation starter. Just watch out for folks at the airport trying to steal your finely crafted statement piece out of your TSA bin. On second though, just put it in your checked luggage for safe keeping.
Beer Pong Table

Again, the cleverness of beer drinkers never ceases to amaze me. This beer cap table is custom made for beer pong! Keep your trivia nights and over-sized Jenga away from this baby. While you're at it, take your cornhole outside: this bottle cap table deserves the entire room. Next on the project list are shuffleboard and pool tables.
Mini Fruit Pies

Good things come in small packages, like two bite brownies and these mini beer cap fruit pies. The metal lids look like teeny weenie pie pans! I'm not exactly sure what you'd do with them, but there are no wrong things to do with bottle caps. Personally, they make me want to make a cherry pie with hard cider in the filling, but it helps to have crafts to work on while the oven is preheating.
Larger Than Life Self Portrait

You might want to have your friends help you collect the caps if you want to attempt anything like this larger than life self portrait. Made entirely of bottle caps, artist Mary Ellen Croteau created one of the most innovative bottle cap art projects in the world. And if you stand really close after drinking a couple of beers, you can see the entire universe in the eyes.
Brewery Sign

A cool way to create your own art, this wooden wall sign is designed for the dedicated bottle cap collector. There's always that limited edition beer that you only tried once, or the stash of vintage bottle caps you found in your dads underwear drawer, that deserve to be on display. This is the way to make sure their beauty gets shared with the world. Since no gluing is required, when all the holes are filled you can start over again.
Sammy Davis Jr.

Sammy Davis Jr. once said, "Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity." This beer cap portrait, however, is pretty damn brilliant. Made with antique bottle tops from the 20s through the 70s, it's also a time capsule of 20th century drinking! I can almost hear him singing Mr. Bojangles into that golden Coors Light mic.
Enormous Parrot

Beer has been known to make people feel like they can fly, so this enormous bird sculpture is entirely appropriate. A great gift idea for Parrotheads, it's made from a rainbow of the world's most famous beers. It's also less messy than having a real parrot in your living room.
Desktop Baseball Player

As you trudge away at your desk all week, this little guy will help you daydream about two of your favorite pass times. I just can't tell if he plays for the Padres or the Charros.
Hippie Van for Groovy Road Trips

For your next music festival, or hell, your next trip to Whole Foods, you'll turn heads in this cap-covered hippie van. I'm pretty sure it's a mom-style mini van under all these lids, but the transformation is so strong here, it doesn't matter. Just don't try to drink the beer for the caps on the same day you leave for upstate New York. Also consider keeping extra caps under the rear seat in case you turn down a bumpy road.
Human Table

I'm just gonna let this bottle cap table speak for itself.
Actual Art from a Real Museum

Not only does this sculpture deserve to be part of a museum exhibit, at actually was. Created by artist El Anatsui, whose signature medium is recycled metals. This tapestry inspired piece is truly a thing of glory. I'm pretty sure this is what El Dorado was looking for.