These Might Be the Best 21st Birthday Ideas Ever
Check Out Our Top 21st Birthday Ideas:
This is it. The time has come where you officially do not have to ask your older brother to buy you a 12 pack of Natty Light from the corner gas station while you awkwardly wait in the car- you can do it yourself! While a 21st birthday means being able to enjoy an alcoholic beverage or two, or three, here and there, it also means so much more. You’re becoming a real adult now, and you are just a few short years away from buying life insurance and yelling at kids to get off your lawn. While adult life can be tough, it is essential that you enjoy being young while you still can and throw the most awesome 21st birthday known to man. It doesn't matter if you live in a college town, sprawling metropolis, or rural area. We've got 21st birthday ideas for everyone.
21st Birthday Party Ideas
When it comes to the big 2-1, there are many roads you can take when it comes to party night. Literally, a sign that points to Drunkville and one to calmer waters. Some opt for the classic house party, others may choose to spend their whole night at one specific bar, while the brave go for the all out bar crawl. Whatever path you decide to stumble down, there are steps to take to make your birthday legendary. So, check out these impressive birthday gift ideas for boyfriends, girlfriends, men, women, truly anyone who can finally enjoy their first drink!
House Party

A cool, and collected night at home with some of your closest friends can be a great time. Plus, if you do end up imbibing a little too much you know you won’t be judged. Gather everyone around for some fun party games, or simply listen to music and talk about the good old days (okay, last weekend) when you were young and so naive. No matter what, a good 21st birthday is inevitable when you’re spending it with friends who won’t mind that you're obnoxiously dancing to Lady Gaga’s Poker Face on the kitchen table.
Taking Shots on Your 21st Birthday
A huge part of turning 21 is taking shots! Instead of having to take a shot and then grab your chaser, you can do it all in one glass with these jager bomb shot glasses. All you have to do is pour your chase into the glass followed by the liquor, and miraculously, they stay separated! This awesome 21st birthday idea will make taking shots better than ever!
Drink Beer from the Coolest Stein Ever
One of the best, most exciting 21st birthday ideas for them will be drinking some of their favorite alcoholic beverages from unique, cool glassware. This traditional German beer stein will be their favorite glass they’ve ever owned! They’ll be so pumped to drink some delicious beer from this super handsome stein.
Drink With Total Class
Nothing says “party time” like breaking out the most gorgeous glassware set known to man. You’ve waited 21 long years to be able to drink liquor, so make sure it's liquor that’s perfectly decanted inside a decanter as stunning as this one. As you pour yourself and three buddies a round, you’ll truly feel classy and 21 for the first time. Using this set is one of the best 21st birthday party ideas you can imagine because it’ll make you feel classy, sophisticated, and 21 at your house party! In fact, it is so good you may even want another decanter just like it a few years from now, maybe put this on your list of 30th birthday ideas.
Have a Cornament
Nothing gets a party going like a game of good old-fashioned cornhole! That’s what makes this customized cornhole set one of the must-have 21st birthday ideas. Everyone at the party will want in on the action, challenging each other to game after game of this easy but incredibly fun game. The whiskey label customization will fit the theme of 21st birthday perfectly!
Neighborhood Dive Bar

Of course, the most exciting and anticipated course of action is going out to the promise land, meaning the bar down the street. If you’re heading out to the bars for the first time, be sure to be properly prepared, for it is a trying experience. Although you should know to enjoy responsibly (c’mon, you’re an adult now) ready a hangover kit for the morning after. Everything from Gatorade and aspirin to sunglasses for the bright crack of noon sun is necessary to ease that surging headache. Walking into that neighborhood bar for the first time is exhilarating. For months it has been so close and you've tried your best to look inside every time you've walked by, dreaming of the day you'll be a "regular". Now you may have heard some crazy stories about your local dive bars, and let me tell you....they are totally true. As you enter with your new 21-year-old glow there will be the 40-year-old regular looking to buy everyone shots, only to find that he doesn't have enough dough.
Pre-Game Alcohol Bliss
If there’s one time to enjoy alcohol to the fullest, it’s your 21st birthday. Before you head out to the bar, use this insanely cool alcohol vaporizer to inhale your favorite liquor, which is such a cool, unique way to enjoy alcohol. This heightens the taste of your favorite spirit, which makes your 21st birthday the best ever, even before you head out the bar.
All-Out Bar Crawl

And then there is the over the top bar crawl. Ideally, your town or city has a block full of clubs and bars that allow you to walk from each destination with ease. If not be sure to have your designated driver on stand-by! The legendary bar crawl is one of the best 21st birthday party ideas that really does have it all. While there are those crazy regulars mentioned above, each bar has its own particular atmosphere. Some may be more laid back while others are more upbeat. People may choose to start somewhere calm and then work there way up to the crazier spots, ask your older pals what clubs they prefer.
Another benefit of going from bar to bar is tasting each one's different drinks. Most bars tend to have their own specialty cocktails or shots, while you'll taste some and think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, others will make you cringe. Dipping your toe into each bar will allow you to figure you what spots you prefer and want to return to.
Bar Experience at Home
Want to skip the bar scene but still enjoy various cocktails on your 21st? This bar set is here to save your big day! With all the incredibly useful tools in this set, you and your friends can whip up some top-notch Mojitos, Whiskey Sours, Moscow Mules, Martinis, Manhattans, Rum and Cokes, and any other mixed drinks you fancy while avoiding the craziness of bars!
21st Birthday Gift Ideas
If you happen to be on the other end of the festivities, you will have to figure out an awesome gift for your pal. Something personal is always a crowd-pleaser, and will have Brian sitting next to you jealous of how damn thoughtful you are. Personalized glassware such as beer glasses or whiskey glasses, even a custom flask, are great drink inspired gifts that will be functional as well as handsome keepsakes.
Put an inside joke or nickname on the gift to make it a little less serious and give the recipient a nice chuckle. You're an adult now. You should be drinking from a legendary pint glass. Your whiskey shouldn't be watered down and deserves a real rocks glass. And if you're a wine drinker then you definitely need a wine glass that will fit your needs.
Classy 21st Birthday Ideas for Gifts
Make them feel great on their 21st birthday by getting them a fancy bottle of liquor in a super classy engraved gift box! They’ll feel so special seeing the personalization on this attractive box, and they’ll feel like a true 21-year-old with their own bottle of nice liquor. It’s one of the best 21st birthday party ideas so they can enjoy nice liquor at their party. The box will become an awesome keepsake that’ll always remind them of their 21st birthday.
They don’t want to forget a single moment from their 21st birthday and other special occasions in the future. That’s why this personalized shadow box is one of the most creative 21st birthday ideas. Whether it’s bottle caps, cigar bands, or any other small objects, they’ll really enjoy keeping each item as a memento inside this handsome box as a reminder of the good times they had turning 21.
They’ll be stunned by this ammo can gift set! With this magnificent and creative gift set, they’ll be able to fully jump into trying different beers with the pint glasses and snacking on the beer nuts and beef jerky that pairs perfectly with their brews. You can even include a six pack of beer in the ammo can to make the set even better!
Searching for the very classiest 21st birthday ideas? Check out these stainless steel wine tumblers. Whether it’s chilled wine or a delicious cold cocktail, it’ll stay cold until the last drop inside these fancy tumblers, which they’ll appreciate as they’re enjoying some delicious beverages to celebrate turning 21.
Fun Party Games
Whether you've decided on a night in or a night out for your big party day, there are a multitude of games that can be played at either! Traditional drinking games at home can include anything from beer pong to king’s cup (ring of fire to some). If your crowd is even more laid back and intimate, a movie or TV show specific drinking game is always fun to partake in, you can even think of your own rules. Games don’t just stop at your front door however, think up some activities before heading out to the bar. Fix up a scavenger hunt that rewards with drinks, find a fellow birthday boy or girl and join them for a shot! Take a sip every time you spy someone displaying PDA. Playing bar games also gives your whole group a great opportunity to mingle with those outside your immediate comfort zone. Everyone will come out of their shell in no time! Refer to the list we created below for a guaranteed good time. But, we think the absolutely best drinking game is Beeropoly. It combines all the best drinking games into one epic event.
Classic Game Instead
You can’t go wrong with a classic game, so playing poker is one of the best 21st birthday party ideas. Bring this personalized poker set to the table, and you’ll feel like the classiest 21-year-old ever. With a glass of scotch in one hand and your cards in the other, you’ll embrace the feeling of true adulthood and be so excited for the future.
Speaking of shots, turning 21 means that the birthday boy or girl needs their own set of shot glasses now. This super awesome and meaningful gift set is a phenomenal gift because they can use it for fun on their birthday and then treasure it forever. They’ll love looking back on the momentous milestone every time they sip whiskey from these glasses. Have their name and the year engraved on the box for the absolute perfect keepsake gift.
Ultimately it doesn't matter what you end up doing or where you are, your 21st birthday is a big deal. Just remember that you are an adult now, and while some adults still like to shake their tail feathers every once in awhile, they drink responsibly. Be sure to have a designated driver for the evening if you plan on going out. Most bars serve free non-alcoholic beverages to those nice enough to run the streets with their crazy friends. Just as well, if you plan on having a party at your apartment or home, let the neighbors know. Ask them to alert you if things get too loud. They will appreciate the thought and are less likely to get annoyed and file a noise complaint. Disclaimer: Police knocking on your door doesn't exactly get the party started. Most importantly, have a good damn time because literally the next milestone is finally being able to rent a car and your insurance decreasing when you’re 25. Cheers.
Bar Crawl Scavenger HuntWhether you’re playing in teams for competition or doing the scavenger hunt as a whole party for fun, this bar scavenger hunt will keep everyone laughing all night long. *If you are playing in teams and the birthday guy/gal isn't present then choose another lucky team member at random. Also if in separate groups, take a photo or video with the random participant for proof of completion. All the collected photos and videos will be fun to look at again the next morning!